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3 Books that will Transform Trust on your Team 

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If you’ve heard us say this once, you've heard us say it a thousand times: Research shows that a lack of trust affects your bottom line more than anything else. I’m talking more than productivity, loyalty, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, even revenue! Trust affects all of these areas of your organization & has the largest impact on your profitability, employee wellbeing, & performance.  

We love bringing teams together to learn about the 5 Core Trust Behaviors that powerfully & effectively build & scale trust on teams: 

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Once Leaders learn how powerful trust is on a team, & that they are totally capable & in control of building it, they want more, more, MORE. They want to continue learning & developing their skills to build a truly unstoppable, high-performing & high-trust team.  

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While we have a whole treasure trove of favorite resources, there are 3 books that we absolutely LOVE here at The Perk that are total game changers when it comes to trust: 

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1. Effortless - Greg McKeown  

Make building trust on your team effortless with this absolutely incredible read by McKeown. This is one of my favorite books on this topic & chapter 14 titled “Trust: The engine of high performing teams” tops my list for most amazing writings on trust for teams. In a world where to-do lists are endless, burnout is worn as a badge of honor, & we are always focused on hitting the next goal, it’s easy to get caught up in going somewhere fast by yourself instead of going somewhere far with those around you. When you are not so exhausted by your workload & asking yourself the important question “What if this were effortless?”, you have the capacity to create CLARITY in your own life, the tools to COMMIT to doing things in a more effortless way, & a reason to CELEBRATE at the end of the day! To sum it up, this book is a phenomenal way to optimize your life AND build trust with those around you.  

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2. The Infinite Game by Simon Sinek 

"Do you know that game you’re playing?” Business is an infinite game, players come & go, rules change, & there is no ‘winner’ of business. This fantastic read dives into how we don’t have control over what game we are playing, but we hold all the cards when it comes to how we choose to play the game.  This book is a great mindset shift to help you build a high-trust, forward thinking, & collaborative team that will stand the test of time. You & your amazing team are not here to hit the sales goal for the quarter & quit the business. No, you are here to build a strong foundation, develop lasting CONNECTIONS, surround yourself with innovative ideas, & CREATE SAFETY so the people in your organization can flourish.  

Here’s a little video snippet from the book on Building Trusting Teams.  

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3.  Dare to Lead by Brené Brown 

Another resource to level up your team’s trust is this foundational leadership book by Brené Brown. Brené states that “A leader is anyone who takes responsibility for recognizing the potential in people, ideas, and has the courage to develop that potential.” When leaders dare to lead, they get curious with those around them to drive CONNECTION, they share power & responsibility with others, & show up vulnerable each day to CREATE SAFETY. This resource also talks about BRAVING, the seven elements of trust, & how to incorporate this into your team culture.  

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There are so many other great resources out there to help you build trust with your team. The most important thing is that as a leader, you make the conscious decision every day to focus on building trust within your organization. Trust isn’t something that just magically appears & remains until one day it mysteriously vanishes. Behaviors build trust & behaviors break trust. Use these resources to help guide your conversations as you determine the behaviors you want to see in your business to build a high-trust team!  

And if you really want to take your team’s trust to the next level this year, in a very FUN & psychologically safe way, let’s Throw a Trust Party (I.e. our most popular team workshop)!! Learn more & book with us here 😊  

You are an amazing, Leader. Keep crushing it! And remember, you don’t have to lead alone. We are here to support you in every way!  

Throwing confetti for you always, 


Pssst...I LOVE connecting with & growing my community! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn - see you there! 🤗

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