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Great Leaders Have Great Purpose, So How Do I Find Mine?

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 When I was a teenager, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off,” was one of my favorite movies. There was something about his creativity, playfulness, & ever-so-cool sidestepping of the rules that made for a super fun romp. And when I think about personal purpose & leadership brand, I hear this quote: “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop & look around once in a while, you could miss it.” 

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Leadership in the modern age is fast-paced, all about innovation & agility, & amid the chaos the clarity of one’s purpose has become a cornerstone for effective leadership & compelling personal branding. Leaders can’t be their most effective, inspired, strategic selves if they don’t know where & why they are leading. 

Purpose is both a beacon for personal fulfillment & a powerful way to sustain leaders’ engagement, tie them to innovation, & ensure they haven’t strayed from “the why,” either for themselves or their teams & organizations. 

So what is purpose? Before we can build our leadership style around it, don’t we need to know what it is? 

Understanding Purpose

Purpose is the inherent drive that propels us forward, offering motivation amidst challenges and a clear sense of direction. The Japanese concept of ikigai provides a layered understanding of purpose, advocating for a balance between passion, proficiency, societal need, and economic viability.

Similarly, dharma from Indian philosophy highlights the importance of aligning one’s actions with their intrinsic nature and the collective good. These traditional notions are complemented by contemporary tools like Amy Jen Su's Purpose Quadrant & the Zone of Genius from Gay Hendricks’ book, “The Big Leap,” which facilitate a practical approach to discovering one’s unique strengths & passions. 

Why is it important? 

Leaders who have a profound understanding of their purpose are inherently more inspiring &  effective. They possess the ability to deeply connect with their teams, leading with resilience & authenticity. This clarity in purpose allows for the crafting of a personal brand that truly stands out, characterized by a leader's distinct values & vision. Think of it as the leader’s “secret sauce.” When leaders have similar work experience on their resumes, their purpose & leadership brand set them apart & give them a competitive advantage. 

Such authenticity not only draws followers but fosters a community of loyalty & shared ideals. 

How do I discover mine? 

Set aside time to reflect on a few of these questions. Write them down & see what becomes apparent. 

  • What am I passionate about? 

  • What are my unique strengths? 

  • What’s special about my life & work experience? 

  • What values are most important to me? 

  • What makes me feel fulfilled? When was a time when I felt truly satisfied? What was I doing? 

  • How do I want to be remembered? 

  • What problems am I inspired to solve? 

  • Who do I want to help or serve? 

  • What would I do if I weren't afraid of failing? 

  • What activities hold my attention & make me lose track of time? 

  • Where do I feel most at home or in my element? 

  • What do I want my daily life to look like? 

  • How can I use my strengths to contribute to something larger than myself? 

Then evaluate where in your life & work you are currently closest to your purpose. Where do you have the opportunity to maximize or increase activities that bring you closer to that purpose? Where are you spending time on things that don’t bring you closer to that purpose? What do you need to delegate? What do you need to elevate? Make a plan for shifting to a higher ratio of purpose-driven activities (& how you will let people know you LIVE for these types of activities). 

How does purpose play into leadership development? 

The Perk's custom leadership programs are meticulously designed to aid leaders in uncovering & refining the leadership skills, mindsets, & behaviors that allow them to work most closely to their purpose. Participants engage in a transformative journey of self-discovery that not only augments leadership skills but also ensures leaders' decisions & actions are deeply rooted in their personal & professional "why.” 

Furthermore, The Perk's programs emphasize translating these insights into action. Leaders are taught to leverage their understanding of purpose in decision-making, team motivation, & strategic planning. This ensures that their leadership style is not only effective but authentically aligned with their core values. 

The quest for defining & understanding your purpose is indispensable in today’s fast-paced & ever-evolving landscape. It is essential for cultivating leadership that is not only successful but also deeply impactful. The Perk's custom leadership programs offer a unique blend of personal purpose discovery with skill development, preparing leaders to navigate contemporary challenges with authenticity & resilience. By embracing their purpose, leaders can transform their approach, making a profound impact on their organizations & beyond. 

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