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Hiring & Recruiting - 3 DEI Tips!

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It seems like everyone is hiring and/or recruiting right now & it’s so important to focus on DEI in those efforts. Be intentional about it! 🙌

Here’s 3 tips for you to start with ⬇️

✅ Remove names from applications & resumes: This will help negate some unconscious bias you may have. You’ll be surprised how effective this seemingly small action is!

✅ Create a scorecard for interviews: This ensures you’re comparing apples to apples & not just going off of “gut” feelings. It’s easy to hire & like people who are similar to you & this scorecard will help you give opportunities for diversity on your team!

✅ Ask situational questions AND make them not just about the workplace: Not everyone has had opportunities to show their experience, let their strengths shine or learn from their mistakes specifically in the workplace. Some people might be able to better answer a situation question when you phrase it like this - "Tell us about a time when you experienced failure. What would you do differently next time?" Instead of making it workplace specific like this - "Tell us about a time when you experienced failure in a previous role or company. What would you do differently next time?".

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How do you focus on DEI in your recruiting & hiring efforts? I'd love to hear! 🤗

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