The Perk

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NHL vs. NBA: The Mindset Shift That Changed Everything

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Last Friday I was feeling down. Real down. I thought we were going to close a big deal, & it didn’t close. I was sulking. Throwing in the towel. Giving up. 😔

Then, out of nowhere my business (& life) partner, Dan bursts in the room with an impromptu, & seriously ON FIRE, pep talk. He told me that here at The Perk, we’re not the NBA, we’re the NHL. 

Let me explain - he said in the NBA, if you jam a finger, you make a big theatrical display & get carried off to the side. 

But in the NHL, you literally get your finger cut off, break your leg, & bleed out of your eyes & still keep skating until the game is over. 

💥 We are not the NBA. We are the NHL.💥

Last week was a jammed finger, & I had a choice. I could give up & be carried off to the sidelines. Game over. 

OR, I could pick myself up, straighten my helmet, keep skating & playing the game. 

💥 We are not the NBA. We are the NHL. 💥 

So, Leader, how about for you? Are you playing in the NHL? Or in the NBA? 

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