Transform Your Leadership with Comprehensive Feedback

You understand the value of effective leadership & the impact it has on organizational success. Our 360 Leadership Assessments provide invaluable feedback for you & your leadership team, offering insights from those you lead & work alongside. This process not only highlights what leaders are doing well but also identifies areas for improvement, fostering a culture that values feedback & continuous growth.

360 Leadership Assessments

Benefits of 360 Leadership Assessments:

Employee Engagement: Employees feel seen, heard, & valued.

Motivation & Excitement: Boosts morale & fosters a positive work environment.

Trust & Alignment: Strengthens trust & alignment within the team.

ELT retreat and visioning day

Teams large & small love working with The Perk!

How Does it work?

We recommend conducting this process on a semi-annual or annual basis to ensure continuous development & improvement.

360 Leadership Assessment

Gather feedback from six respondents for each leader, including direct reports, peers, & direct supervisors.

Summary & Analysis

Compile & analyze feedback to create individualized summaries & a comprehensive leadership team development roadmap.

1:1 Coaching Session

Provide a 60-minute coaching session for each leader to review feedback & align it with their goals.

Detailed Process Overview

Step 1 - 360 Leadership Assessment

Quantitative Questions: Leaders are rated on a scale of 1-5 across various competencies.

  • Confidence: Self-assuredness, critical thinking, problem-solving, & receptiveness to feedback.

  • Leadership: Collaboration, team support, personal feedback, & team development.

  • Trust: Transparency, honesty, & trust-building.

  • Communication: Clear communication, active listening, & conflict management.

  • Alignment: Vision communication, decision-making aligned with cultural values, & mission alignment.

  • Influence: Personal accountability, self-awareness, & recognition of others.

Qualitative Questions: Insightful questions to identify key areas for continued & new behaviors, as well as behaviors to stop.

  • What are two things you think this individual should keep doing?

  • What are two things you think this individual should start doing?

  • What are two things you think this individual should stop doing?

Step 2 - Summary & Analysis

Individualized Feedback Summaries: Each leader receives a personalized summary compiling all qualitative & quantitative feedback.

Leadership Team Results Review: In addition to individual feedback, we provide an aggregate analysis & a curated leadership development roadmap, detailing specific mindsets, behaviors, & skills for team improvement. We also conduct a meeting with senior leadership to review this roadmap.

Step 3 - 1:1 Coaching Session

  • Leaders receive a reflection document to guide them through their feedback summary.

  • A 60-minute coaching session is provided to review individualized results & set actionable goals.

  • Coaches help leaders tie feedback to current goals or set new objectives.

What’s Included?

Your comprehensive program includes:

  • Gathering six respondents per leader for the assessment.

  • Sending out & following up on each 360 Leadership Assessment.

  • Individualized Feedback Summary for each leader.

  • Leadership Team Results Review Roadmap.

  • A 60-minute meeting with senior leadership to review the roadmap.

  • Reflection worksheet for each leader.

  • One 60-minute coaching session per leader to review feedback & align to goals.

Ready to Elevate Your Leadership?

Invest in your leaders & watch your organization thrive. Contact us today to learn more about our 360 Leadership Assessments & how we can help you foster a culture of continuous improvement & excellence.

Corporate Retreat

You’re not like most companies!

We understand the demands of your leaders. That's why we've meticulously designed our 360 Leadership Assessments to provide a unique blend of productivity & growth. We personalize & tailor all of our assessments to inspire creativity, foster team collaboration, & strengthen trust within your leadership team.

About The Perk

We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

And we have quite a lot of fun doing it!