Refresh Your Culture with Core Behaviors™
Culture exists no matter what, & it has an enormous impact on every single aspect of your business. So be intentional about it! Let’s define & operationalize your culture in an effective, sustainable, & high-impact way.
Your Culture is your company's values & beliefs manifested in the behavior of everyone at your organization.
In other words, your culture is built by the daily behavior of every single person on your team. To truly operationalize your culture, you need to clearly define exactly what behaviors will lead to your organization's success, & then systematically, & consistently teach them to your team.

Core values are great, but Core Behaviors are better.
Values can be abstract & mean different things to different people. Behaviors are clearer, easier to understand, teach, coach, & provide feedback on. In this 3-month engagement, we’ll help you define, with tremendous clarity, exactly what behaviors you want to drive your culture.
Get Ready to:
Align your team & operationalize your culture in an effective, sustainable, & high-impact way.
Build trust & strengthen connections across your organization.
Determine the daily behaviors that bring your values to life & drive your success.
Level-up & become a high-performing, truly unstoppable team!

How it Works:
The Core Behaviors 3-Step Process™
We’ll lead a series of sessions with employees & leaders to determine the daily behaviors that bring your values to life & drive your success.
With your defined Core Behaviors in hand, we then educate, activate, & align your team on what behaviors are needed & why.
Now that everyone knows what the Core Behaviors are, we’ll work together to make them part of daily practice through consistent, systematic communication & modeling.
Your Core Behaviors will not be 'the flavor of the month', or 'that culture thing we did that one time'.
This is how you build a sustainable, high-performing culture with long-lasting impact & success for your team.
Your team wants to be successful, but what if they don't know what behaviors are expected of them?
Your managers want to develop their teams, but what if they don't know what behaviors they should be rewarding & which ones they should be coaching?
We need to define those behaviors, then teach them, through our words & actions, consistently & systematically.
“Values are verbs, not nouns. In order to build the culture we envision, we have to enact our values in how we show up every single day.”

Core Behavior Examples:
These are the daily behaviors that bring our values to life & drive our success.
Assume people are kind, fair & trying their best with the information they have available. Seek to understand before immediately judging or casting negative assumptions. Trust that the other person wants what's best for the team & the company. Come to the table with a positive attitude & an open mind.
Get out of your comfort zone. Try things you haven’t tried before. Do things that don’t necessarily come easy to you. See discomfort as a good thing: a sign of learning, growth, & forward progress. Ask to work on a new client, shadow a different area of the business, & speak up at meetings with your ideas & opinions.
Commit to doing something & follow-through with it. Whether for a client, teammate, or yourself, make it happen. If you determine it can’t be done, communicate ASAP so the team can pivot.
About The Perk
We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.
The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.
And we have quite a lot of fun doing it!