Trust by Design

How to Scale Trust to Maximize Belonging & Results

The Perk’s Trust by Design Framework.  A  simple, practical tool you can use to build & scale trust on your team. These are the 5 Core Trust Behaviors:


Trust can’t exist without genuine, meaningful connections.


Cultivate an environment where everyone feels safe to speak up & be themselves.


Demonstrate reliability by doing what you say you’ll do.


Be clear & consistent with your words, intentions, & actions.


Recognize & appreciate the contributions of others.

Click on an icon to Learn More about each Core Trust Behavior.

building trust with employees
team creating trust in the workplace

Trust doesn’t happen by default, it happens by design.

In today's fast-paced environment, trust is not a luxury; it's a necessity. Research shows that trust impacts the bottom line more than anything else, & it’s the most important asset for your business.

But trust isn’t something that just magically appears. Our behaviors build trust. And trust is a set of learned behaviors.

Get the Trust By Design

Leah Roe - ways to build trust in the workplace

Are you looking to enhace your teams trust level? Are you planning a team workshop, executive retreat or conference? Email Leah at to see how we can help.

Learn the Framework!

Human-centric Leadership

Building the Kind of Trust that Delivers Business Results

Why Trust Matters

A lack of trust can be detrimental to your bottom line. Building trust with employees leads to higher retention rates, improved morale, and better overall performance. Leadership trust is the cornerstone of a thriving, cohesive team. At The Perk, we understand that trust isn't built overnight (see our amazing blog article here!). It requires consistent effort, clear communication, and a strategic approach.

What We Offer

Our high-energy, high-impact Trust by Design workshop is designed to help you:

  • Develop Trust in the Workplace: Learn the 5 Core Behaviors that effectively
    build and sustain trust on your teams.

  • Implement Trust-Building Tools: Gain access to practical tools and techniques that you can apply immediately.

  • Strengthen Leadership Trust: Equip your leaders with the skills needed to foster a culture of trust and accountability.

Engaging and Effective Learning Experience

Our workshops are not just informative—they are transformative. We combine skill-building with self-reflection, small group discussions, and whole group activities to ensure that every participant leaves feeling energized, inspired, and confident.

Key Takeaways - Participants in our Trust by Design workshop will:

  • Walk away with a deeper understanding of trust dynamics in the workplace.

  • Develop a common language and tangible tools to foster trust.

  • Experience increased connection and collaboration among team members.

Join Us

Ready to transform your workplace? Trust doesn’t happen by default—it happens by design. Let us help you build a high-trust organization that achieves outstanding results. Contact today to learn more about our Trust by Design workshop and how it can benefit your team.

creating trust in the workplace framework

I’m interested in:

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2 hour virtual or in-person session for 5-100 employees to learn the Trust by Design Framework.

Starting at $4,997

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Team Innovation Retreat

5 hour in-person immersive experience for teams of 5-30 to learn & apply the Trust by Design Framework to solve specific trust issues at your company. You’ll walk away with complete confidence in applying the Trust by Design Framework & a Trust Action Plan to implement immediately to enhance & strengthen trust throughout your organization.

Starting at $9,997

Teams large & small love working with The Perk!

Creating trust in the workplace

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The Perk - building trust

About The Perk

We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

And we have quite a lot of fun doing it!

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