Unlock Leadership Success: Getting unstuck

Feeling stuck as a leader? Discover strategies to gain momentum and achieve your goals

The following is an excerpt from our August 2024 issue of Hey Leader.

Hey Leader, crafted with thought & care by The Perk, is a monthly email series all with the intention to help you lead better. You belong here!

Hey, Leader —

What does “being stuck” feel like for you?

Is it like this?


What about…this?

If you answered, “all of the above,” I feel you. I really do.

Being stuck STINKS. Part of the reason why is that it’s such an unnatural feeling for us as human beings. As a species, we crave clarity, momentum, action, and the thrill of moving forward. We like movement. We operate on movement.

And the hardest part about being stuck is that the more we try to get unstuck, the tougher it can be to break free. 

Why am I talking about being stuck at the beginning of a new year? Well, this time of year can be a little…interesting. You’ve hopefully had some much-deserved time off over the holidays, and you’re coming back to a work culture (and heck—just a culture in general) that’s looking to go from 0-80 mph after a period of sustained rest. 

You got some downtime—you should be raring to go, right? And as a leader, you probably feel like you NEED to be ready to go. Your organization has goals. Your team has goals. YOU have goals. 

And maybe you are, but something invisible is stopping you.

  • Overwhelm.

  • Indecision.

  • Analysis paralysis.

  • That feeling of being…stagnant. 

  • Simply craving something else.

If that sounds like you, I get it—and I’ve got you. As leaders, it’s not only important that we have strategies for getting ourselves unstuck, it’s also a big part of our jobs as leaders. I’ve talked before about the CTA Framework (Coach/Train/Act), and how when you’re a leader, the amount of time you’ll typically spend coaching is about 80%, and training and acting will take up the remaining 20%. So, helping your team get unstuck is critical to being able to move them—and you—toward positive action, progress, and eventually, your desired results.

Here are two easy strategies you can use to get unstuck today:

Tip #1: Shift your perspective. One of my favorite authors and thinkers is the late Dr. Wayne Dyer, who said, “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.” This is 100% true, but it’s one of those truths we don’t often think about when we’re stuck. When you’re looking at a specific situation, remember that you have the power to choose how you look at it differently

For a moment, think about being in your house and looking out your front window. Sometimes, there might be road construction, or a house being built across the street from you, and you might not like the view. You can always, ALWAYS, get up and move to a different window. I’m willing to bet there’s another great view through another window—and often where you least expect it.

Your thoughts, feelings, and actions are ALL related—as the amazing Brene Brown says, they’re three legs on the same stool. Change one, and that change will have an effect on the other two. But perspective shifts don’t just happen—you have to work at those—and the best way to do that is to get curious and ask yourself some questions, like:

  • What's most important about this, for me? 

  • What's the story I want to tell about this situation?

  • What's the gift & opportunity in this challenge?

  • What if this were fun?

  • How would a five-year-old look at this situation? (Seriously. I look at almost every situation through my daughter Betty’s eyes! It gives me a good chuckle AND moves me to action!)

  • What advice would my mentor/trusted friend give me about this situation?

  • What if I could talk to myself 10 years from now - what advice would they give me about this situation?

Tip #2: Utilize “The Progress Principle.” The Progress Principle states that people are most engaged and fulfilled when they’re making progress in meaningful work. Those are the two essential ingredients: Progress + Meaningful work. So, when we feel good about achieving a goal or crossing something off our to-do list, it’s not just because we did it—it’s because it matters to us. 

Often when we feel stuck, it’s because one of these elements is missing. One of the ways I love to keep both progress and meaningful work at the forefront of my day-to-day is to literally write “PROGRESS + MEANINGFUL WORK” on a Post-It Note. The next time you feel stuck, ask yourself: which one of these elements is missing? If it’s progress, consider the next best small step you can take to move forward. What’s holding you back? And, how do you know when you ARE making progress? Is it something you can track or measure, and how? If it’s meaningful work, it’s time to get clear on what work IS meaningful for you—and The Purpose Quadrants exercise is a great one to help with that.

These might seem like small actions, and that’s the whole point. As with most things, small and steady wins the “unstuck” race. And if you’re still wondering “what’s next?” or “what now?” it might be a nudge to consider coaching. We’re here for you if that’s the case—you can book a call to chat more about that here

Read on for additional content and resources on getting unstuck—as always, we’ve got your back!

Perform a Pomodoro!

When you’re stuck, the best thing to do is…take action

“Well, OBVIOUSLY,” you might be thinking. “That’s what I want! I want action!”

It’s not just any action, though. It’s the tiny ones that often get our tires out of the snow and back on the road (of course we were going to make a Wisconsin snowstorm reference here!). 

The best way to do that? Pop up that Pomodoro timer.

The Pomodoro Technique is where you set a timer for 25-minutes and work on the task until the timer goes off. Even if you don’t necessarily want to work on the task or topic that has you stuck, we find it’s easier to get started if we tell ourselves, “you only have to work on this for 25 minutes—and then you can go on to the next thing!” 

We think that we have to be motivated to take action, but that’s backwards. Taking action is what creates motivation. You might find that you totally get unstuck and solve your issue within the 25-minute time limit—or you get so motivated and on the right path that you want to keep going. Either way, give it a try and see what you find! 

What's The Perk saying?

Our resources this month are all about helping you get unstuck, gain some traction & build momentum:

22 min watch

51 min watch

18 min watch

What's our community saying? 

We’re always exploring the latest news & insights on culture, organizational development, & leadership. This month’s resources focus on the power of mindset to find new possibilities & noticing & celebrating progress along the way.

12 min listen

Brendon Burchard

9 min read

Psychology Today

2 min watch

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We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

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