Jess Kent-Johnson


Leadership Coach | Culture Consultant

Hi there! I’m a leadership development and culture design expert who is passionate about empowering organizations, teams, and individuals to thrive by strengthening how they show up, collaborate, and innovate together for successful outcomes. I bring 15+ years of experience in people leadership, collaboration, facilitation and change management from my work in arts and entertainment, education, and technology, and I'm trained as a leadership coach through Co-Active Training Institute. 

My purpose is to help amplify people’s voices to construct a more collaborative and innovative world, and that impact starts at home in Madison with my husband, Alex and curly-headed son, Charlie. 

Fun facts

I am a songwriter, poet, and cheese plate enthusiast, and when I’m not coaching you can find me helping new parents write songs for their children with the Overture Center’s Lullaby Project. 

Let’s Chat

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