Master Delegation: Lead Your Team to Success

Discover how to delegate effectively and boost your team's performance. Start implementing these strategies today!

The following is an excerpt from our May 2024 issue of Hey Leader.

Hey Leader, crafted with thought & care by The Perk, is a monthly email series all with the intention to help you lead better. You belong here!

Hey, Leader —

One of the toughest transitions new leaders deal with is the mindset shift when you’re trying to get from acting (or doing) to training or coaching(leading).

Actually, this isn’t just a “new leader” thing. All leaders struggle with this shift, no matter how long you’ve led a team.

Why? Well, a big part of it is because most leaders begin as individual contributors. As an employee, you most likely got promoted to management because you were crushing your role. After that promotion, you needed to recalibrate—quickly—from someone with a very specific job description & functional expertise to someone who is now responsible for, well…everything.

(By the way, we talk about this more in this blog, if you’re interested.)

We know we don’t have to tell you this, but: it’s a little daunting. Okay, a lot daunting. We wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to do one of these:

Homer - leading a team

It’s also why we don’t blame you if you’re still holding on to much of the work that you could be delegating to your team. You’re a “roll-up-your-sleeves-and-tackle-it-myself” kind of person, right? Isn’t that what a leader is—someone who does what needs to get done? 

In the short term? Maybe. But in the long term, doing ALL THE THINGS is going to catch up to you.  

You know what I’m going to say, right? You need to delegate. Not only does delegation make you a better leader, it also helps others on your team to realize more of their greatness, too.  

This Harvard Business Review article says it so much better than we ever could: “While it may seem difficult, elevating your impact requires you to embrace an unavoidable leadership paradox: You need to be more essential & less involved. When you justify your hold on work, you’re confusing being involved with being essential.” 


Here’s why it’s so critical to delegate: 

  • Delegation offers opportunities for skill development among your team, helping them learn, practice new skills, & take on new challenges. 

  • It empowers your teams, too. Delegation signals trust, & when your people feel you trust them, it leads to more job satisfaction. 

  • When you delegate, you can focus on the high-level activities you love to do—& are in your Zone of Genius! 

  • It improves decision-making, because others can have autonomy over their work & make decisions. 

The question is: how do you actually do it, & do it effectively?  


The answer is exactly what we’re covering in this month’s Culture Community: “Delegate With Purpose: Empower Your Team With Clarity & Confidence.” Our own Steph Llano is going to be sharing specific delegation strategies around investing in your team, coaching up by providing knowledge & tools, creating safe spaces to learn & take risks, & setting high (& clear!) expectations.

“When I coach leaders on delegation, what I notice is that they struggle with delegation because they don’t want to be seen as someone who needs help. You really need to shift that mindset before you can dive into any delegation,” Steph says. Heck YES.  

Gamifying Delegation Through Tracking!

Today’s #PerkProTip also comes courtesy of Steph, who shares this insight about her own delegation journey: 

“As a high-achiever, I’ve always prided myself on doing all the things—& all the things well. I certainly don’t like saying no, & I did NOT like delegating.  

I’m also a super competitive person, which means that in order to start delegating well, I needed to turn it into a game. So, I started tracking my delegation! 

My tracking method was simple: I’d create a page in my notebook every week, & that would be my “Delegation Tracker.” Each time I delegated a task that week, the page would get a tally mark. My goal was that every day, I would beat the previous day. If I had delegated five tasks on Monday, my goal was to delegate six tasks on Tuesday, & so on.” 

For Steph, creating a habit around delegation meant making it fun. If you try this for your own delegation tracking, be sure to let us know how it goes! 

What's The Perk saying?

Our media selections this month focus on ways to boost your “delegation muscle,” & free yourself up for more strategic & engaging initiatives.   

 Push Mediocrity to the Side: 4 Ways to be Excellent at your Job

8 min read

Developing Dynamic Leaders in Your Organization 

60 min watch

 Purpose Quadrants Activity

30 min activity

What's our community saying? 

We’re always soaking in the latest news & insights on culture, organizational development, & leadership. This month’s resources focus on how to show your team you truly trust them & give them opportunities to grow! 

Top 5 Reasons Why Executives Don’t Delegate 

7 min read

The Essentials: Delegating Effectively

67 min listen

Who Not How

94 min watch

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We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

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