🎉 Presentation

Seen, Heard, & Valued:
How Prioritizing Recognition Drives Engagement & Success

8:30 – 9:45am CST

November 21, 2024

Leah Roe, CPA, PCC, CPCC
Founder | Leadership Coach |
Culture Consultant

About the Event!

At the heart of every thriving workplace is the fundamental human need for recognition - the desire to be seen, heard, & genuinely valued. When your employees feel recognized for their accomplishments & for who they are as people, that is when trust forms, engagement skyrockets, & unstoppable teams are built.

In this high-energy & high-impact workshop, we’ll explore the art of recognition, a key trust-building behavior, & one that, when done well, can boost your eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) by 4x (Gallup). This workshop is designed to not only underline the critical importance of recognition in driving employee engagement, retention, & well-being but also to offer a deep dive into practical strategies for its application.

Through interactive discussions, personal reflection, & sharing of best practices, participants will discover their unique celebration styles & how to acknowledge others in a manner that resonates. Armed with practical tips & actionable strategies, you will be ready to implement authentic recognition techniques that foster a culture of trust, create meaningful connections, & promote a sense of belonging, leading to extraordinary outcomes in your team dynamics. Embrace the power of recognition to transform your leadership approach & witness the profound impact it has on your team's engagement & success.

About Leah:

Leah is the embodiment of a powerhouse: a Certified Leadership Coach (CPCC & PCC), revered Organizational Trust Expert, & dynamic Culture Consultant. Holding the reins as the Founder of The Perk, she fearlessly redefines leadership.

Her journey is nothing short of legendary. After being laid off during maternity leave, she didn't falter – instead, she founded The Perk, a premier leadership & culture development studio, the very next day. What followed was a meteoric rise, building a 7-figure profitable empire in just 5 years.

Leah's mission goes beyond coaching & consulting; she's here to empower you with the unwavering belief that anything is possible & to make you feel absolutely unstoppable. With a touch of her magic, she infuses fun & a human touch into every facet of her work. Her coaching approach is a symphony of celebration & unapologetic action, yielding not just results, but extraordinary transformations. In the consulting arena, she engineers cultural revolutions & propels team performance, always on a bedrock of psychological safety & unmatched efficacy. A true champion of greatness, Leah not only simplifies & demystifies exceptional leadership but also stands as the visionary creator of the CLEAR Leadership Operating System.

Her experience, shaped through adversity, includes a leap from CPA to People & Culture Executive at a groundbreaking remote-first Health IT firm. It was there that she ignited her true calling for shaping people, culture, & leadership. Leah's transformative impact has touched the lives of countless leaders, skillfully shaping a foundation of excellence from mere beginnings—infusing trust, communication, alignment, & engagement into their very core.

She's not just here to elevate leadership, culture, & personal growth; she's here to rewrite the rules. Join her, & let's paint a new paradigm of unapologetic awesomeness.


8:30 - 8:35am - E-meet & Greet
8:35 - 9:30am - Presentation & Discussion
9:30 - 9:45am - Optional Continued Discussion

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