🎉 Presentation

Unstuck & Unstoppable:
Crafting Dynamic Strategies for Continuous Progress

Emily Smit
Leadership Coach |
Culture Consultant

October 24, 2024

8:30 – 9:45am CST

About the Event!

Being stuck stinks. As humans, we crave clarity, momentum, & the thrill of advancement. In this engaging workshop, you’ll learn practical tools, creative problem-solving methods, & tailored strategies to swiftly move from stagnation to momentum. You’ll explore actionable techniques like the Pomodoro Technique & The Progress Principle to maintain momentum & make meaningful progress in your work. You’ll walk away with tangible tools to utilize immediately anytime you feel stuck.

As a leader, your role also includes helping teammates overcome obstacles & create momentum. Acting as your team’s “Director of Unstuck,” you recognize their progress & ensure they take pride in the value they’re creating. We will talk about how to use these practical tools with others to help your team break free from stagnation & become a high-performing, unstoppable force. Join us to learn, practice, & master the skills needed to guide your team from stuck to soaring success. Get ready to embrace new skills & foster continuous growth for both yourself & those around you!

About Emily!

Hello, hello! I’m an Organizational Culture & Trust Expert. I love working with our clients to help them grow in their leadership skills, discover their leadership brand, & indulge in their culture journey. In the work I do with our clients, I truly help The Perk live out our just cause, to build a world in which everyone wakes up inspired & excited about life! I advocate for people to be a leader at any level in their career & encourage companies to emphasize the importance of these skills in their employees.


8:30 - 8:35am - E-meet & Greet
8:35 - 9:30am - Presentation & Discussion
9:30 - 9:45am - Optional Continued Discussion

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