Recognition Guide

Leadership is complex. Through our extensive research we have distilled the essence of world-class leadership into six key ingredients; Leadership Mindset, Curiosity, Listening, Expectations, Yes, AND & Recognition.

Recognition boosts morale, motivates, and fosters loyalty by making employees feel valued and respected. This culture of appreciation enhances productivity and engagement, contributing to organizational success. Effective recognition varies from verbal praise to promotions, each significantly impacting satisfaction and performance.


CLEAR Leadership Certification

Unraveling leadership complexities, our extensive research distilled the essence of world-class leadership into six key ingredients.

Proven, trusted model

Personalized learning experience

Track & measure success

Consistent approach to leadership

We Build The World’s Best Leaders

Leadership development isn't easy.... but it doesn't have to suck either. We bring a new level of enthusiasm, excitement and engagement that will leave you wanting more.

Team Workshops

1:1 Leadership Coaching

Custom Team Coaching & Training

Teams large & small love working with The Perk!

Lead with Confidence

Become a pro at working through adversity and building a diverse team of professionals.

Spark More Happiness

Happiness in the workplace creates a more productive, flexible & resilient environment.

Build Connection + Trust

Own your successes, push through adversity and take responsibility for results.

See what our clients
are saying!!

Leadership development isn’t easy…
but it doesn’t have to suck either. We bring a level of enthusiasm, excitement, & engagement that will leave you wanting more!

About The Perk

We’re a premier Leadership & Team Coaching, Training & Development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

And we have quite a lot of fun doing it!

A diverse team of co-workers collaborating on a project.
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