3 Activities to Boost Employee Engagement Immediately

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Employee engagement is a crucial factor in building a high-performing team & a positive workplace culture. Here are three engaging activities that teams can implement to enhance connection, creativity, & resilience.

Leadership Metaphor 

One of our favorite activities at The Perk is the Leadership Metaphor exercise! This activity encourages everyone on the team to explore their surroundings & find an object that represents what great leadership means to them. They then take a picture of the object & share it with the group. 

Activity Steps: 

  1. Explore: Give team members 10 minutes to explore their environment & find an object that symbolizes leadership to them. 

  2. Capture: Ask each team member to take a picture of their chosen object. 

  3. Share: Reconvene as a group & have each team member share their object & explain why they chose it & how it represents leadership. 

  4. Discuss: Facilitate a discussion around the different metaphors, highlighting the diversity of perspectives & insights. 

Why We Love It: 

  • Creativity: This activity sparks creativity as team members draw unique connections between objects & leadership. 

  • Reflection: It allows everyone to reflect on their understanding of leadership & its impact. 

  • Team Bonding: Sharing personal metaphors fosters a deeper understanding & connection within the team. 

Try It Now: Take 10 minutes to look around your desk or workspace. Find an object that symbolizes leadership to you, take a picture, & share your story. For example, I have a box of colored pencils on my desk. To me, leadership is about flexibility & diversity—just like I choose different colors for different situations, I adapt my approach based on the team's needs. 


Focus on the Path, Not the Trees 🌳 

Inspired by a powerful video from Simon Sinek, this activity helps teams identify & overcome distractions that hinder their progress. 

Activity Steps: 

  1. Watch the Video: Share Simon Sinek's video with your team. Watch here

  2. Reflection: Discuss the following questions: 

    What does your path look like?”
    “What are the 'trees' (distractions) in your work that divert your attention?”
    “How can you refocus on your path with clarity & purpose?

Why We Love It: 

  • Clarity: Helps team members identify & prioritize their goals. 

  • Focus: Encourages a shift from distractions to what truly matters. 

  • Support: Fosters a supportive environment where team members help each other stay focused. 

Try it Now: Watch the video & reflect on the questions above. What's your path, & what are your 'trees'?

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The Sweet & Sour Side of Change

Change can be challenging, & this activity using Extreme Sour Warheads candy vividly illustrates the varied reactions to change. 

Activity Steps: 

  1. Hand Out Candy: Give each team member an Extreme Sour Warhead without explaining why. 

  2. Observe Reactions: Ask team members to put the candy in their mouths & observe each other's reactions. 

  3. Discussion: Use the following points to guide the discussion: 

    • Some people may dislike the sourness immediately, while others may tolerate it better. 

    • This mirrors how individuals react to change—some resist, while others adapt more quickly. 

    • Highlight the transition from sour to sweet, emphasizing the potential positive outcomes of change. 

Why We Love It: 

  • Engagement: The unexpected use of candy grabs attention & makes the activity memorable. 

  • Insight: Provides a tangible way to discuss & understand different reactions to change. 

  • Team Cohesion: Helps team members empathize with each other’s experiences & build collective resilience. 

Try it Now: If your organization is going through significant changes, this exercise can be a great ice-breaker to acknowledge & address the feelings around it.

Implementing these activities can immediately boost employee engagement, foster deeper connections, & help your team navigate challenges more effectively. Try them out & share your experiences with us! 🌟 


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