Are You Listening as a Leader or as a Problem Solver?

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Did you know there is a difference?! When we coach our clients to be amazing leaders, LISTENING is a skill that we focus on because it allows you to truly see, hear & value your team. 🎉

When you’re listening as a ✨problem solver,✨ we listen to the words, but our attention is on what the words means to us personally. This is where we take in information, analyze, understand & solve problems. Which is NECESSARY in our work & lives, just NOT all the time when we’re coaching & leading!

When you’re listening as a ✨leader,✨ you have focused awareness on the other person & everything around them. You’re not only listening to their words, but also their energy, body language, & tone. This is how you build trust & strengthen the relationship!

It’s important to become aware of HOW you need to listen. Here’s some questions to help you discover which is needed in the moment ⬇️

* Am I listening in order to solve a problem/have an answer?

* Am I listening in order to build trust, connection, or a relationship (see, hear, & value the other person)?

* Am I listening to help someone else discover the answer for themself?

Ask yourself - do you find yourself listening more as a leader or a problem solver in your day-to-day? 👏


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