Navigating What’s Next with Daniel Pink

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In May, The Perk sent two of our favorite leadership coaches & culture consultants, Steph Llano & Emily Smit to attend ATD 2024, the world’s largest international conference for talent development & learning professionals. During their time there, Steph & Emily enjoyed author Daniel Pink’s inspiring keynote presentation, “Beyond Resilience: A New Path to a Strong Culture.” Pink’s focus was not on predicting the future, but on encouraging proactive action to navigate the uncertainties of the business world. He emphasized shifting the mindset from waiting to know what's next to taking action first, which then leads to clarity & understanding. We wanted to share some of the key takeaways from Pink’s presentation, along with his five actionable tips to move us forward. 


Shifting the Paradigm: Action Leads to Knowing 

Daniel Pink challenged the traditional notion that knowing what's next is what moves us into action. Instead, he proposed that taking action first leads us to knowing. This proactive approach encourages experimentation, learning, & adaptation in an ever-changing business landscape. 

Key Questions for the Future of Work

He posed several critical questions for organizations to consider to help us navigate the complexities of modern work environments.  

  • What work is meant to be done alone versus collaboratively? 

  • What work should be done asynchronously versus in-person? 

  • How can Artificial Intelligence be integrated into our workflows effectively? 

  • What purpose does the brick-and-mortar office serve now? 

  • Who do companies serve, & how can they align with these stakeholders? 

  • How can we succeed at work without sacrificing our family lives, & vice versa? 

 These questions aim to guide organizations & individuals in making informed decisions about their work structures & practices. (Or, as The Perk would say, empowers us to build culture with intention). 

5 Tips to Move Us into Action

In addition to these thought-provoking questions, Pink shared five practical tips to help us take actionable steps towards progress & effectiveness: 

  1. Create a To-Don’t List 

    Identify three activities that distract your attention, drain your energy, & divert you from your most important goals. Write these down & consciously avoid them. This approach emphasizes the power of subtraction over addition for increased effectiveness. 

  2. Daily Progress Reflection 
    At the end of each day, take 30 seconds to list three ways you made progress. This could be anything small but meaningful. Reflecting on daily accomplishments can significantly boost motivation & a sense of achievement. 

  3. Shift Conversations from “How” to “Why” 

    Twice a week, turn your focus from "how" to "why" in your conversations. Purpose-driven discussions can enhance performance & deepen engagement with your work. 

  4. Schedule Regular Walk Breaks 

    Take a 15-minute walk break every other afternoon with someone you enjoy spending time with. Avoid work-related discussions & leave your phone behind. Modeling this behavior can improve overall team performance by recognizing breaks as an integral part of productivity. 

  5. Use Powerful Decision-Making Tools 

    When stuck, consider these three questions: 

    • If you were replaced at your job tomorrow, what would your successor do? 

    • If your best friend came to you with this problem, what advice would you give them? 

    • What would your future self, ten years from now, want you to do? 

    These questions can provide fresh perspectives and help make bold, informed decisions. 

The Perk in Action 

It’s exciting to note that many of Pink's suggestions align with practices The Perk helps clients with every day! For organizations that need help fostering effective, purpose-driven work environments & aligning their team’s daily behaviors with their mission & values, The Perk can support you with the Core Behaviors program. We also incorporate many of these top recommendations in our team workshops & coaching programs to help people invest in themselves, prevent burnout, foster strong communication & build trust. 

 If you are interested in learning more about our key takeaways from ATD 2024 or how The Perk can help customize your own leadership initiatives, let’s chat!  


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