Self-trust: The Key to your Success & Fulfillment

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Self-trust means remaining confident & hopeful in yourself & the possibilities of your life despite current circumstances. Self-trust is key to your success & fulfillment in life, AND it is key to your success & effectiveness as a leader.

There are 5 core self-trust behaviors: Connect, Create Safety, Commit, Be Clear, & Celebrate. Reflect on each of the questions below to start strengthening your self-trust & take your life & leadership to the next level!

The Behaviors that Build Self-Trust:

You can’t trust yourself until you know yourself. Do you know you?

• What do you want people to say about you when you’re not in the room? What do you want them to feel when you are?

How do you talk to yourself? Do you allow yourself to fail or make a mistake? Do you create a judgement-free space for yourself to learn & grow?

• What is one thing you've failed at recently? How did you react? What did you learn?

Do you do the things you say you’re going to do for yourself? What’s your say/do ratio?

What promise have you kept to yourself? What’s a new promise you want to make to yourself?
• What have you committed to doing for yourself that you haven’t done? What has the impact been for you?

Are you clear on who you are, what you want, & what you stand for? Do you clearly communicate this to others?

• What is a boundary that you have set & held? What’s important about this boundary for you?
• What’s your dream?

Do you recognize & celebrate yourself for all of the amazingness that you are, the amazing things you’ve done, & the amazing things you will do?

• What is one thing you love about yourself?
• What do you want to throw self-confetti for?


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Get out there! Trust yourself & see the magic that unfolds! 👏 You got this!!


Pssst...I LOVE connecting with & growing my community! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn - see you there! 🤗

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