Shift Your Mindset in the Moment to Deal with Frustration, Impatience, & Restlessness

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With the rise of artificial intelligence & “white collar automation,” the importance of emotional intelligence & human-centered leadership skills are more critical than ever. Leaders who manage their emotions & maintain composure can: 

  • Inspire teams to emulate their behavior, creating a resilient workforce. 

  • Enhance decision-making by avoiding hasty, poorly considered choices. 

  • Improve communication, fostering an open & collaborative environment. 

  • Build trust & respect among team members. 

  • Maintain personal well-being, reducing the risk of burnout. 

  • Resolve conflicts constructively without escalating tensions. 

  • Adapt to changes with confidence, leading teams through transitions smoothly. 

Why Mantras & Affirmations?

Mantras & affirmations are short, positive statements that influence your thoughts & emotions positively. They can help rewire your brain, making it easier to handle stress. Benefits include:

  • Instant Calm: Focus on the present moment.

  • Positive Reframe: Shift perspective from negative to positive.

  • Self-Empowerment: Reinforce your ability to manage emotions.

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Mantras for Frustration

Use these mantras to navigate through tension: 

  • "I am in control of my emotions."

  • "This too shall pass."

  • "I breathe in calm & breathe out tension."

  • "I choose to focus on solutions, not problems."

  • "Disappointment is just unmet expectations."

  • "We judge others by their actions & ourselves by our intentions."

Affirmations for Restlessness

Find peace & focus with these affirmations:

  • "I am grounded & centered."

  • "I find peace in the present moment."

  • "I am calm, patient, & in control."

  • "I trust the timing of my life."

  • "I am exactly where I need to be."

  • "Take a break & come back in 5 minutes; it will be clearer."

Affirmations for Impatience

Cultivate patience & composure:

  • "I am patient & calm."

  • "Good things take time."

  • "I trust the process."

  • "I allow myself to slow down & breathe."

  • "I embrace the journey, not just the destination."

Tailoring Mantras to the Source of Frustration

Identify the root cause & tailor your mantra:

  • Time-Related Frustration: "I have plenty of time for everything."

  • People-Related Frustration: "Everyone is doing their absolute best. I am here to guide them."

  • Pace of Progress: "Everything is happening in the exact time sequence & order that it is supposed to."

  • Fear of Losing Ideas: "Everything comes to me at the exact time & in the exact way that it is supposed to."

Physical Tokens & Mindfulness

Physical tokens can reinforce your mantras:

  • Bracelet: Glance at it to remind yourself of your mantra.

    Rocks or Crystals: Carry a stone or crystal & touch it while repeating your affirmation.

    Coin or Trinket: Keep a small object in your pocket as a visual or tactile reminder.

Pairing these tokens with breathwork enhances their effectiveness. 

Tips for Using Mantras & Affirmations

  • Consistency is Key: Regular repetition enhances effectiveness.

  • Feel the Words: Truly believe in the words you say.

  • Visual Reminders: Place mantras where you can see them daily.

  • Combine with Breathing: Deep breathing enhances the calming effect.

Additional Resources 

For more structured resources or mantra cards:

  1. Calm The Chaos Cards: Find balance & tranquility. 

  2. Mind of a Champion Cards: Focus on productivity, personal development, & mindfulness. 

  3. "Miracles Now" by Gabrielle Bernstein: Practical tools, including mantras & affirmations. 

  4. "Creative Visualization" by Shakti Gawain: Offers a chapter on affirmations with examples like, "I am relaxed & centered. I have plenty of time for everything." 

  5. Insight Timer App: Guided meditations & affirmations. 

By incorporating these mantras & affirmations into your daily routine, you can cultivate a more peaceful & resilient mindset, ready to tackle any challenge that comes your way. Remember, the power to change your thoughts & reactions lies within you—embrace it, & watch how your world & leadership transform.

For more practice shifting your mindset, check out our blog post, “Your Mindset is the Key to your Success: How to Choose your Mindset & Maximize your Results.”  


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