Stay Interviews: Why they ROCK & How to do them


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What keeps you at your job? What would cause you to leave?

What makes your culture truly unique & amazing are the people who work there. To best help scale your culture you need to learn from each person what makes your company special to them.


What keeps them here? What motivates them? What could your company do better?

Most companies ask these questions during Exit Interviews when it is too late to know what you’re doing well, & what you could do better to keep your incredible people. But you’re not like most companies, so you should be asking these questions now! By conducting stay interviews & asking these engaging questions, you will uncover what your team loves about the culture (so you can keep doing it!), & what ideas they have for how you can optimize your culture for a successful future.

Stay interviews will help give you exactly what you are looking for - actionable steps you can take to create an amazing culture to retain your current rockstars, & attract new superstars who will align with your vision & values & growth strategy. It will motivate & excite your team for the company’s growth. It will build trust because you are engaging them & asking for their ideas on how to build the culture for the future.


How to do Stay Interviews

Meet with everyone on your team & ask questions such as:

  • What do you look forward to when you come to work each day?

  • What keeps you working here?

  • If you could change something about your job, what would that be?

  • What would make your job more satisfying?

  • How do you like to be recognized?

  • What talents are not being used in your current role?

  • What would you like to learn here?

  • What motivates (or demotivates) you?

  • If 6 months from now you were no longer with the company, what would have caused you to leave?

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After you’ve completed your Stay Interviews, the next steps are to compile the data & take action! Check out this blog post to learn more about how to organize your data, create an action plan, & communicate the results to your team.

Alright leader, building culture isn’t easy. But you don’t have to do it alone! Click here to meet with a Perk coach & learn how we can support you with your Stay Interviews, & take your leadership & team to the next level in a super fun & effective way!


Pssst...I LOVE connecting with & growing my community! Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn - see you there! 🤗

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