Discover The Perk's
Top 6 Mind-Blowing Insights of the Year

Explore The Perk's groundbreaking discoveries in leadership & culture from this year. Engage & transform now!

The following is an excerpt from our December 2024 issue of Hey Leader.

Hey Leader, crafted with thought & care by The Perk, is a monthly email series all with the intention to help you lead better. You belong here!

Hey, Leader —

Does this ever happen to you? You might be reading a book or an article, watching a YouTube video, or listening to a podcast on your daily walk & all of a sudden the person talking says something so earth-shattering, so succinctly beautiful, that you feel like your entire life has changed? 

Okay, maybe that’s a little melodramatic. But on the other hand, is it?!? 

After all, that kind of mindset shift is why so many of us consume so much content both personally & professionally—we want those “a-ha!” moments.  

Those are the moments that lead to the radical transformations.  

The big ideas.  

The flashes of insight.  

The completely different way of doing things.  

Humans LOVE to have their minds blown & the team at The Perk is NO exception to that rule. 

When I asked the team, “Hey—has there been anything about leadership development, culture, or anything related that COMPLETELY blew your mind this year?” I got plenty of answers.  

And I figured—if these things made us think about our work in a whole new way, maybe they might do the same for you.

Enjoy our mind-blowing discoveries & have a happy holiday while you’re at it, too.  

Six Mind-Blowing Learnings From Our Team

We read books. We listened to podcasts. We nerded out on data. And now we're here to tell you all about it.


1. Atomic Habits “A-Ha!”

2. When the Logic is Flawed

3. Rest as Resilience

4. The Neuroscience of Micromanagement

5. The Gratitude Gym

6. Trust: The Great Revenue Grower  

What's The Perk saying?

Our media selections this month are inspired by our “a-ha” moments!

4 min read

5 min read

8 min watch

What's our community saying? 

We’re always soaking in the latest news & insights on culture, organizational development, & leadership. This month’s resources focus on fostering accountability, cultivating gratitude, & driving incremental improvement to achieve a shared, meaningful vision.  

8 min watch

James Clear | APB Speakers

15 min listen

Cy Wakeman | Reality-Based Leadership

5 min read

Raquel Gomes | Forbes Business Council

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GE HealthCare, building next level leaders.

Focus on building confident, compassionate leaders, & developing high-trust teams takes innovative, world-renowned healthcare company to the next level.

About The Perk

We're a premiere leadership & culture development studio.

The skills your leaders need today are very different from the ones they needed 5 years ago. We equip leaders with the skills they need to confidently & effectively lead their teams now & going forward.

And we have quite a lot of fun doing it!