7 Ways to Be a Kind Leader


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Are you focusing on being a Kind Leader? In our research & work with clients, we’ve found that kindness is a leadership skill that can be utilized & operationalized more in the workplace.  

There’s always room & time to be kind. It’s a humanistic approach to leadership that will add value to what you already have in your leadership toolbox!  

The following 7 tips will help you operationalize kindness, strengthen your relationships with your team & build trust. 


1. Remember the small things.

Every interaction that you have with your team matters. Try your hardest to remember the small things that your employees talk about. Maybe they brought up celebrating their 3-year-old daughter’s birthday. Maybe they mentioned being excited for an upcoming 5k race. Or maybe they are pumped for their new comfy sectional they just purchased.   

Being able to check in on these “small” things shows that you’re listening & that you care about them as a whole person, not just an employee.  

This isn’t a one-and-done either! It’s the consistent follow up & check in that really goes the extra mile here.  

2. Celebrate them in a way they like to be celebrated.

Your employee just crushed a presentation to a client. You want to celebrate them for a job well done! Then you think, oh gosh should I send them a gift card? Shout them out in Slack? Call them? Write them a card?  

The list of possibilities is endless! And honestly, the celebration isn’t going to be as meaningful if it’s not the way that your employee likes to be celebrated! So don’t overcomplicate it. Just ask J Yes, you can simply ask your team individually how they like to be celebrated. Take the guesswork out of it!  

It’s really a win-win! You won’t waste your time spinning your wheels AND your employee will feel truly valued & celebrated!

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3. Be vulnerable, too.

We know that vulnerability looks different for everyone. When you're able to show vulnerability, in whatever way that looks like for you, this models the behavior for your team. This is a way to truly make your relationship a two-way street & show that you trust your team! 

Here’s some ways to show vulnerability with your team: 
• Share a recent small win or celebration. 
• Ask for help when you need it. 
• Share something non-work related. 
• Don’t focus on having all the answers – admit when you don’t know or have made a mistake.  

4. Say “thank you” or show gratitude in the moment.

This may seem simple & obvious, but it kinda is! Remember – kindness doesn’t have to be overcomplicated. Your team wants to feel like what they are doing matters. They want to know that they are doing a good job. 

Sometimes the simplest phrase of “thank you” can go a long way!  

5. Coach, don’t manage.

A kind leader is invested in their team’s growth! When you’re able to be a coach for your team, you aren’t focusing on solving all of their problems for them. You believe they are naturally creative, resourceful & whole. You believe they can solve any problem that comes their way & will be there to coach them through it. You know that if you step in & take over, you are robbing them of a growth opportunity.  

Here’s a few actionable tips to put on your coaching hat: 
• Be curious about their goals (both personal AND professional!) & help them get there.  
• Ask open-ended questions (we call these powerful questions!): 
‣ What roadblocks are you facing? 
‣ What’s important to you about that? 
‣ What have you learned? 
• Truly listen by removing distractions. 

6. Give honest feedback.

Remember - clear is kind, unclear is unkind. Your team not only wants to know that they’re doing a good job, but they also want your honest feedback! Ultimately, giving feedback shows that you care. When you give feedback in the moment, you have an opportunity to build trust & strengthen your relationship.

7. Be authentic.

None of these tips matter if it’s not authentic to you as a leader. Don’t fake it or force it! Find a way to put your own spin on it so it feels genuine for you & your team.


Get out there & throw around kindness like confetti. You’ve totally got this, leader!


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