Is your PTO policy inclusive? 🤔

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We just revamped our unlimited PTO policy at The Perk earlier this month because we realized it wasn’t as inclusive as we wanted it to be! Let me explain…

Our people are the fundamental strength of our organization. In order for us, as a team, to be at our best, we need each of our team members to be at their best. It’s important that we each maintain a successful work-life integration by taking time away from work. It is of the utmost importance to us that our PTO policy is people-focused AND inclusive.

We believe that we are strongest when individuals feel comfortable embracing their full selves at work, which means we need to create space to honor & recognize holidays, traditions & observances that may fall outside of a standard holiday calendar. So we decided to have unlimited PTO AND 10 floating holidays!

Our team gets to choose which 10 days they want to take off as holidays for their own recognition & celebration. We want to be inclusive of everyone’s beliefs, & didn’t feel it was right for the company to celebrate certain holidays, & not others.

So our team may choose 10 days throughout the year that are their own Floating Holidays. The 10 days they choose for their Floating Holidays will be granted, no questions asked.


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This year when you update your employee handbook, take a minute to look at your PTO policy to make sure it is inclusive for all of your employees!


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